The Batavia Bicycle Commission used their 2019 Fit For Kids grant to install bike and scooter specific racks for local schools.

“On sunny days, they are full!” – Mrs. Prentiss, JB Nelson Elementary

The racks allow students to stay active on the way to school by having the option of riding bikes and scooters. Before they had racks available, not many students rode their scooters to school due to them being stolen in the past as there was no way to lock them up. Now they can embrace this fun alternative and keep their equipment safe.

The Boys & Girls Club of Elgin used their 2018 grant to implement the Step it Up for Summer program.

The new program supported a soccer program and a swim program. There was an overall increase in step counts and activity levels with the youth they served that summer. 

The Well Child Center in Elgin used their 2019 Fit For Kids grant for the Community Demonstration Kitchen Project.

The new demonstration kitchen was composed of new kitchen gadgets, utensils, cabinets, and even a dishwasher. They held monthly cooking demonstrations for those using WIC to give advice on how to cook and prepare food on a budget.

“The classes we had were fun for participants and well-received” – Cindy Anderson, Breastfeeding Coordinator

They are hoping to resume food demos in the kitchen when public health guidelines allow them to do so.